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I changed the key from the other version that was up and I fixed a few of the chords. Democracy by Leonard Cohen Video of me playing this:
It's C#coming through a F#hole in the C#air, from those C#nights in G#Tiananmen C#Square. It's coF#ming from the feel that this Bain't exactly F#real, or it's rC#eal, but it G#ain't exactly C#there. From the wFars against disorder, from the sA#mirens night and day, from the fFires of the homeless, from the aA#mshes of the gay: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
It's coC#ming through a F# crack in the C#wall; on a C#visionary G#flood of C#alcohol; from the F#staggering account of the BSermon on the F#Mount which I dC#on't pretend to G#understand at C#all. It's cFoming from the silence on the A#m dock of the bay, from the Fbrave, the bold, the battered heart of A#m Chevrolet: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
It's coC#ming from the F#sorrow in the sC#treet, the hC#oly places G#where the races C#meet; from the F#homicidal bitchin' that goes Bdown in every F#kitchen to detC#ermine who will G#serve and who will C#eat. From the wFells of disappointment where the A#mwomen kneel to pray for the Fgrace of God in the desert here and the A#mdesert far away: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
Sail G#on, sail F#on O C#mighty Ship of State! To the G#Shores of Need Past the F#Reefs of Greed Through the C#Squalls of Hate Sail D#mon, sail G#on, sail F#on, sail C#on.
It's coC#ming to AmeF#rica C#first, the crC#adle of the G#best and of the C#worst. It's hF#ere they got the range and the machiBnery for F#change and it's hC#ere they got the G#spiritual C#thirst. It's hFere the family's broken and it's A#mhere the lonely say that the Fheart has got to open in a A#mfundamental way: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
It's coC#ming from the F#women and the C#men. O bC#aby, we'll be G#making love C#again. We'll be F#going down so deep the Briver's going to F#weep, and the C#mountain's going to G#shout, "C#Amen!" It's Fcoming like the tidal flood beA#mneath the lunar sway, imFperial, mysterious, in A#mamorous array: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
Sail G#on, sail F#on O C#mighty Ship of State! To the G#Shores of Need Past the F#Reefs of Greed Through the C#Squalls of Hate Sail D#mon, sail G#on, sail F#on, sail C#on.
I'm sentC#imental, if you F#know what I C#mean I love the couC#ntry but I G#can't stand the sceC#ne. And I'm F#neither left or right I'm just Bstaying home F#tonight, getting lC#ost in that G#hopeless little C#screen. But I'm Fstubborn as those garbage bags that tA#mime cannot decay, I'm jFunk but I'm still holding up this A#mlittle wild bouquet: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.SC#.A.