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It's cC#oming through a F#/C#hole in the aC#ir, from those niC#ghts in TianG#anmen SquC#are. It's coF#ming from the feel that this B/F#ain't exactly F#real, or it'C#s real, but it aF#/C#in't exactly C#there. From the wFars against disorder, from the sA#mirens night and day, from the fFires of the homeless, from the aA#mshes of the gay: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
C# F#m C# F#m C#
It's cC#oming through a F#/C# crack in theC# wall; on a visC#ionary floG#od of alcohC#ol; from the stagF#gering account of the SeB/F#rmon on theF# Mount which C#I don't pretend toF#/C# understand aC#t all. It's cFoming from the silence on the A#m dock of the bay, from the brFave, the bold, the battered heart of A#m Chevrolet: DemG#ocracy is coming F# to the U.S.AC#.
C# F#m C# F#m C#
It's cC#oming from the sF#/C#orrow in the C#street, the hoC#ly places whG#ere the C#races meet; from the homF#icidal bitchin' that goes dB/F#own in every F#kitchen to detC#ermine who will F#/C#serve and who willC# eat. From the weFlls of disappointment where the wA#momen kneel to pray for the gFrace of God in the desert here and the deA#msert far away: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.SC#.A.
C# F#m C# F#m C#
Sail G#on, sail F#on O miC#ghty Ship of State! To the ShG#ores of Need Past the ReF#efs of Greed Through the SquC#alls of Hate Sail F#mon, sail G#on, sail F#on, sail oC#n.
It's cC#oming to F#/C#America firstC#, the cC#radle of theG# best and of C#the worst. It's hF#ere they got the range and the macB/F#hinery for F#change and itC#'s here they gotF#/C# the spirituaC#l thirst. It's hFere the family's broken and it's hA#mere the lonely say that the hFeart has got to open in a funA#mdamental way: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
C# F#m C# F#m C#
It's cC#oming from the wF#/C#omen and the C#men. O bC#aby, we'll bG#e making lovC#e again. We'll be goF#ing down so deep the riB/F#ver's going toF# weep, and thC#e mountain's goiF#/C#ng to shout AC#men! It's coFming like the tidal flood beA#mneath the lunar sway, imFperial, mysterious, in amA#morous array: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A.
C# F#m C# F#m C#
Sail G#on, sail F#on ...
I'm seC#ntimental, if youF#/C# know what C#I mean I love the coC#untry but I G# can't sC#tand the scene. And I'm neF#ither left or right I'm just stayB/F#ing home toF#night, gettinC#g lost in that hF#/C#opeless littlC#e screen. But I'm stuFbborn as those garbage bags that TA#mime cannot decay, I'm jFunk but I'm still holding up this liA#mttle wild bouquet: DemoG#cracy is coming F# to the U.S.C#A
C# F#m C# F#m C#