Johnny Cash - I walk the line
chordsver. 5
chords ver. 1
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chords ver. 13
tabs ver. 1
tabs ver. 2
tabs ver. 3
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bass ver. 1
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I've seen a few tabs on this site and none are quite right. The intro tab is dead on
and I'll repeat it here. Play with a capo on the first fret. If you can't sing that
low C then capo up a couple more!
E|-----0-2-4---------4-2-0-----0--| etc...
Either Johnny or his guitarist continues the two-note shuffle while the chords are:
I keep a B7close watch on this heart of Emine
I keep my B7eyes wide open all the Etime.
I keep the Aends out for the tie that Ebinds
Because you're B7mine, I walk the Eline
Then walk up to A.... E|--0-2-4--- etc...
I find it E7very, very easy to be Atrue
I find mysE7elf alone when each day is Athrough
Yes, I'll adDmit I'm a fool for Ayou
Because you're E7mine, I walk the Aline
Then walk up to D... A|--0-2-4--- etc...
As sure as nA7ight is dark and day is Dlight
I keep you A7on my mind both day and Dnight
And happinGess I've known proves that it's Dright
Because you'reA7 mine, I walk the Dline
Back down to A... A|----4-2-0-- etc...
You've got a E7way to keep me on your Aside
You give me E7cause for love that I can'At hide
For you I kDnow I'd even try to turn the Atide
Because you're E7mine, I walk the Aline
And back to E again... E|---4-2-0-- etc...
I keep a B7close watch on this heart of Emine
I keep my B7eyes wide open all the Etime.
I keep the Aends out for the tie that Ebinds
Because you're B7mine, I walk the Eline
Then out on.... E|---0----0---0------- fade