Johnny Cash - I walk the line
bassver. 2
chords ver. 1
chords ver. 2
chords ver. 3
chords ver. 4
chords ver. 5
chords ver. 6
chords ver. 7
chords ver. 8
chords ver. 9
chords ver. 10
chords ver. 11
chords ver. 12
chords ver. 13
tabs ver. 1
tabs ver. 2
tabs ver. 3
tabs ver. 4
tabs ver. 5
tabs ver. 6
tabs ver. 7
tabs ver. 8
tabs ver. 9
tabs ver. 10
bass ver. 1
bass ver. 3
bass ver. 4
1 Column
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Transpose 0
Trying to find a proper bass tab for this song seemed impossible, and all I could seem
find was the intro, which wasn't even thew correct bass part. If you don't believe me,
the song up an entire octave and then listen for the bass part. It seems this tab works
both the original Cash version and the Walk the Line soundtrack.
For a simple sounding song, it's rather complex. Being a country song, the pattern
the same (1-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3) and changes keys in each verse. The song goes around in a
with the 4th and 5th verses being the same as the 2nd and 1st respectively, with only
part during the humming changing. The hardest part of the song really is just keeping up
the chord changes and coming into the parts on the right note.
The timing on coming into each verse is a little odd, but the singer leads you into the
verse. Keep repeating the last bar of the verse until you get into the next verse.
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
verse 4
Verse 5