Johnny Cash - Hurt
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Note: to play the chorus correctly and simulate the piano playing, keep the G on the third fret of the
high e string fretted with your pinky. This makes the chords G major, Am7, Fadd9, and C major.
I also suggest playing a Hendrix Fadd9, so wrap your thumb and play 1st fret low E string.
The strum pattern for Intro/Verse/Transition is picked for the downs and strummed for the ups.
I suggest picking the A and D strings, and then up strum.
Am C D Am C D
[Verse 1]
Am I Churt myDself toAmday to Csee if DI still Amfeel
CI focus Don the Ampain the Conly thiDng that'sAm real
CThe needlDe tears aAm hole the Cold famDiliar sAmting
Try tCo kill iDt all aAmway but I rCemember DeverythiGng
AmWhat have I becoFme? C My sweetest frGiend
AmEveryone I kFnow goes awayC in the eGnd
And Amyou could have it aFll GMy empire of dirGt
AmI will let you dFown GI will make you hAmurt
Am C D Am C D
[Verse 2]
Am I Cwear this Dcrown of Amthorns upCon my lDiars cAmhair
CFull of broDken thougAmhts CI cannDot repAmair
CBeneath the Dstains of Amtime the Cfeeling DdisappeAmars
CYou are soDmeone eAmlse CI am sDtill rGight here
[Chorus 2]
AmWhat have I becoFme? C My sweetest frGiend
AmEveryone I kFnow goes awayC in the eGnd
And Amyou could have it aFll GMy empire of Gdirt
AmI will let you dFown GI will make you Ghurt
If AmI could start agaFin a Gmillion miles aGway
AmI would keep mysFelf GI would find a way