John Denver - Country roads
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CAlmost heaven, AmWest Virginia,
GBlue Ridge Mountains, FShenandoah CRiver.
Life is old there, Amolder than the trees,
GYounger than the mountains, Fgrowin' like a Cbreeze.
CCountry roads, take me Ghome,
To the Amplace I bFelong:
West CVirginia, mountain Gmomma,
Take me Fhome, country Croads.
CAll my mem'ries, Amgather 'round her,
GMiner's lady, Fstranger to blue Cwater.
Dark and dusty, Ampainted on the sky,
GMisty taste of moonshine, Fteardrop in my Ceye.
CCountry roads, take me Ghome,
To the Amplace I bFelong:
West CVirginia, mountain Gmomma,
Take me Fhome, country Croads.
AmI hear herG voice, in theC mornin' hours she calls me,
The Fradio reCminds me of my Ghome far away.
And Amdrivin' down theA# road,
I get a Ffeelin' that I Cshould have been home Gyesterday,
Country Croads, take me Ghome,
To the Amplace I bFelong:
West CVirginia, mountain Gmomma,
take me Fhome, country Croads.
Country Croads, take me Ghome,
To the Amplace I bFelong:
West CVirginia, mountain Gmomma,
take me Fhome, country Croads.
Take me Ghome, country Croads.
Take me Ghome, down country Croads.