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What a Beautiful Name Words and Music by Ben Fielding & Brooke Ligertwood Verse 1
DYou were the Word at the beginning One with GGod the Lord Most HAigh YDour hidden glory in creation Now reveaGled in You our ChArist
Chorus 1
What a beautiful Name Dit is What a beautiful Name Ait is The Name of BmJesus ChArist my GKing What a beautiful Name Dit is Nothing compares to Athis What a beautiful NameBm it is The AName of JGesus
Verse 2
YDou didn’t want heaven without us So JesusG You broBmught heaven dAown MyBm sin was greatA Your love Dwas greater What couGld separBmate us noAw
Chorus 2
What a wonderful NameD it is What a wonderful NameA it is The Name of JesBmus ChristA my KGing What a wonderful Name Dit is Nothing compares to Athis What a wonderful NameBm it is The NaAme of JeGsus What a wonderful NameBm it is The NaAme of JeGsus
ABridBmge F#m G A Death could not hoGld You The veil tore Abefore You You silence theBm boast of sin and gArave The heavens arGe roaring The praise of Your Aglory For You are raiBmsed to life agaAin
You have no rGival You have no eAqual Now and foreveBmr God You reAign Yours is theG kingdom Yours is theA glory Yours is thBme Name above all Anames
Chorus 3
What a powerful Name Dit is What a powerful Name Ait is The Name of JesBmus ChristA my KiGng What a powerful Name Dit is Nothing can stand agaiAnst What a powerful NameBm it is The NamAe of JeGsus
What a powerful Name Dit is The NamAe of JesGus What a powerful Name Bmit is The NamAe of JesGus