Hillsong Worship - What a beautiful name
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Band: Hillsong Church
Song: What a Beautiful Name
Couldn't find any tabs/chords on the net for this song (it's quite new in 2016),
so I've tried to figure out the main chrords (at least for the bass) through the song, from this version:
Listen to it for timing, it starts at 11:15
Feel free to comment or suggest any corrections!
[Verse 1]
YAou were the Word at the beginning
One With GDod the LordF#m7 Most HiEgh
F#m7Your hidden glory in creaAtion
Now revealed inD You F#mOur ChriEst
[Chorus 1]
What a beautiful Name it Ais, What a beautiful Name it Eis
The Name of JF#m7esus ChrEist my KinDg
What a beautiful Name it A/C#is, Nothing compares to tEhis
What a beautiful Name it F#m7is, The NEame of JDesus
[Verse 2]
AYou didn't want heaven without us
So Jesus YDou brought hF#m7eaven DoEwn
F#m7My sin was great, Your lE/G#ove was greAater
What could DseperaF#m7te us nEow
[Chorus 2]
What a wonderful Name it Ais, What a wonderful Name it iEs
The Name of JF#m7esus ChrEist my KDing
What a wonderful Name iA/C#t is, Nothing compares to Ethis
What a wonderful Name itF#m7 is, The NamEe of JesuDs
What a wonderful Name itF#m7 is, The NamEe of JesuDs
| D | E | F#m7 | A/C# |
Death could not hold Dyou, The veil tore beforeE You
You silenced the F#m7boast of sin and graA/C#ve
The heavens are roDaring, the praise of Your gElory
For you are raF#m7ised to life agEain
You have no riDval, You have no EqEual
Now and forF#m7ever Our God reA/C#igns
Yours is the KinDgdom, Yours is the glEory
Yours is the F#m7Name above all nEames
[Chorus 3]
What a powerful Name it iAs, What a powerful Name it iEs
The Name of JeF#m7sus ChriEst my KiDng
What a powerful Name itA/C# is, Nothing can stand agaiEnst
What a powerful Name it F#m7is, The NamEe of JesuDs
What a powerful Name it F#m7is, The NamEe of JesuDs
Thomas Strandos-Lundesgaard, Norway