Green Day - Welcome to paradise
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Welcome to Paradise
This is kind of hard as Green Day go, But pretty fun to play.
In the song, there's about 23 guitars going, especially in the
interlude, so I tabbed it out for one guitar.
I decided to tab it out with major chords, I reckon that's how
it's played, and it sounds pretty cool. Don't be too fussed
about getting the strumming precise, I wasn't.
Verse (x2)
| 1,
Chorus (x2)
| 2.
Interlude Pt. 1
Interlude Pt. 2 (x4)
pm.. ... ... ...
Interlude Pt. 3 (x4)
pm.. ... ... ...
Interlude Pt. 4 (x4)
Intro x 4
Intro x 2
Intro x 4