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[63] From: Mark P. Trepanier 11/8/94 2:22PM (2615 bytes: 52 ln) ~Subject: Green Day... ------------------------------- Message Contents ------------------------------- Hi! Here is a fun Green Day song from Dookie. Remember to tune your guitar to Eb, and play FAST!! Best..Mark... Opening.. E E D A...Play 4 times...
EDear Mother, CaDn you hear me whiniEng' EIt's been 3 wholDe weeks since GI have left your hBome EThis sudden feaDr has left me trembliEng E'Cause now it seDems that I am oGut here on my oBwn AGnd I'm feeling all aloBne...
EPay attention tGo the cracked streetsA, and broken homCes ESome call it slums, sGome call it niBce... EI want to take yGou through a wasteland AI like to call my Chome...EWelcome to ParadiBse (Do the EE D A thingy twice)
2nd Verse...
EA gunshot riDngs out at the statioEn EAnother urcDhin snaps, and leGft dead on his oBwn EIt makes me woDnder why I'm still heEre EFor some strange reDason it's now feelGing like my hoBme And I'm neGver gonna Bgo...
REPEAT REFRAIN...PLAY E....There is a bridge here w/a bass solo..I don't have time to do it now!(I have to give you something to do eh')
EDear Mother, CDan you hear me laughinEg' EIt's been six whDole months since GI have left your hBome EIt makes me woDnder why I'm still heEre EFor some strange reaDson it's now feGeling like my hBome And I'm neGver gonna Bgo...
REPEAT REFRAIN: and end after the 4th EE D A thingy...