Green Day - Warning
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Tuning: G C E A
Green Day
2000 Reprise Records
Submitted by:
Key: A
Tuning: Standard GCEA
Chords used:
A - 2100
D - 2220
G - 0232
E - 14020 or 4442
A D G D x4
[Verse 1]
This is a Apublic
serDvice announcement
GThis is onDly a testA D G D
EAmergenDcy eGvacuation
DprotestA D G D May imApair your
aDbility to Goperate maDchinery
ACan't quite Dtell Gjust what
it Dmeans to me AKeep out
of Dreach of children
GDon't you talk to
sDtrangers Get your AphilosoDphy
Gfrom a bumper sDticker
[Chorus 1]
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D I said
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G WithoutD alright
[Post Chorus]
A G A G E x2
A D G D x2
[Verse 2]
ABetter Dhomes and Gsafety
sealed comDmunities?A D G D
ADid you reDmember to
Gpay the uDtility?A D G D
ACaution DPolice line
you Gbetter not Dcross
Is it the Acop or am
DI the Gone that's
really Ddangerous?
ASanitation Dexpiration
Gdate question Deverything?
AOr shut Dup and be a
Gvictim of auDthority
[Chorus 2]
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D I said
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D I said
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D I said
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G WithoutD alright
[Post Chorus]
A G A G E x2
[Verse 3]
ABetter Ghomes and Asafety
sealed comGmuniEties?A G A G E
ADid you reGmember
to Apay the uGtiliEty?A G A G E
[Verse 4]
ACaution DPolice line
you Gbetter not Dcross
Is it the Acop or am
DI the Gone that's
really Ddangerous?
ASanitation Dexpiration
Gdate question Deverything?
AOr shut Dup and be a
Gvictim of authority
[Chorus 3]
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D I said
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D I said
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D I said
AWarDning Glive without
DwarningA D G D
This is a Apublic
serDvice announcement
GThis is onDly a testA