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I think this is right, tabbed it by ear so if theres any mistakes e-mail me at: Strum: up, up, down, down (then you switch chords, do the same, etc.)
AThis is a Dpublic GserviDce anAouncemAent, Dthis Gis onDly Aa test Emergency evacuation process May Impair your ability to operate machinery Can't quite tell just what it means to me Keep out of reach of children, don't you talk to strangers Get your philoshophy from a bumper sticker
AWarning.D Live wGithoutD warniAng Say warning. Live without warning Without. Alright.
ABetter hDomes andG safetDy selfA communities. Did you remember to the pay the utility' Caution Police Line You Better Not Cross! Is it the cop, or am I the one thats really dangerous' Sanitation, expiration date, question everything. Or shut up and be a victim of authority
[Repeat Chorus]
ABetter hoDmes and saGftey sDhelf Acommunities. Did you remember to pay the pay the utility' Caution Police Line You Better Not Cross! Is it the cop, or am I the one that's really dangerous Sanitation, expiration date, question everything. Or shut up and be a victim of authority
[Repeat chorus] If your beginner, heres chord tabs: A: X02220 D: XX0232 G: 320022 Hope you enjoy!!