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This is my first submission, dont think its 100% right but yea, its played half a step up in the recording i think aswell which can be achieved with a capo on first. Intro Em C G D x2 Verse 1
EmHear the sCound of the fGalling rDain EmComing dCown like an aGrmageddon Bflame EmThe sChame the oGnes who dDied withoBut a name EmEvery dCog's howling oGut of kDey EmTo a hCymn called fGaith and miBsery EmAnd pClead the cGompany lDost thBe war today
EmI beg to dCream and differ fGrom the hollow lDies EmThis is the dCawning Gof the resDt of our Blies. On holiday
Verse 2
EmHear the dCrums pounding oGut of tDime EmAnother prCotesterG has crossBed the line EmTo find, tChe money'sG on the Dother sBide EmCan I gCet anoGther amDen EmThere's a fClag wrapped arGound a sBcore of men EmA gaCg, a plGastic baDg on a moBnument
EmI beg to dCream and differ fGrom the hollow lDies EmThis is the dCawning Gof the resDt of our Blies. On holiday
E G C A D B x4 SOLO (Drums and Bass guitar only) The representative of california has the floor Zieg Heil to the president gasman bombs away is your punishment pulverise the eiffel tower who critisise your goverment bang bang goes the broken glass and kill all the fags that don't agree triumph by fire setting fire it's not a way that's meant for me just cause, just caause, because we're outlaws yeah Chorus
EmI beg to dCream and differ fGrom the hollow lDies EThis is the Cdawning of the Grest of our Blives EmI beg to dCream and differ fGrom the hollow lDies EThis is the Cdawning of the Grest of our Bliiiiiiiiiiiiives
on holiday. Em C G D Em C G B E G C A D B(x2)