Green Day - Holiday
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This is how i think holiday by Green Day is Played. Personally I use Bar Chords
but is up to you whether you want to use them or not. I hope you enjoy learning from my tab.
E C G D x2
Verse 1
EHear the Csound of the Gfalling Erain
EComing Cdown like an GarmaDgeddon Eflame
The Cshame the Gones who Ddied withEout a name
EEvery Cdog's howling Gout of Dkey
ETo a Chymn called Gfaith and DmiserEy
And Cplead the Gcompany Dlost the Ewar today
EI beg to Cdream and differ Gfrom the hollow Dlies
E C G D / E
This is the dawning of the rest of our lies. On holiday
E G D A x2
Verse 2
EHear the Cdrums pounding Gout of Dtime
EAnother CprotestGer has Dcrossed the Eline
To Cfind, the Gmoney's Don the Eother side
ECan I Cget anGother aDmen
EThere's a Cflag wrapped aGround a Dscore of Emen
A Cgag, a Gplastic Dbag on a Emonument
EI beg to Cdream and differ Gfrom the hollow Dlies
E C G D / E
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives. On holiday
E G D A x4
SOLO (The main guitar carries on doing E G D A throughout the solo
(Drums and Bass guitar only)
The representative of california has the floor
Zieg Heil to the president gasman
bombs away is your punishment
pulverise the eiffel tower
who critisise your goverment
bang bang goes the broken glass and
kill all the fags that don't agree
triumph by fire setting fire
it's not a way that's meant for me
just cause, just caause, because we're outlaws yeah
EI beg to Cdream and differ Gfrom the hollow Dlies
EThis is the Cdawning of the Grest of our Dlives
EI beg to Cdream and differ Gfrom the hollow Dlies
EThis is the Cdawning of the Grest of our Dliiiiiiiiiiiiives
This is our lives on holiEday.
E G D A E G D A (one strum only on the last four chords)