Green Day - Good riddance time of your life
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Date: 24 January, 2002
Subject: Good Riddance (Time of your Life)
Band: Green Day
Transcribed: Jake Bowers (
This song is my favorite song ever and I love Greenday. Most of the other tabs that
I have seen for this, though, are completely wrong so I decided to write my own for
all those of you who are desperate for one.
This is my first ever tab so if it is wrong then don't hit me with ironing boards or
Chords needed:
G 320033 (use this G, 320003 doesn't work as well)
Cadd9 032030
D xx0232
Em 022000
C 032010
The first part of this song is the hardest to do, so, if u cant follow it then do what I
and improvise.
Riff 1
G Cadd9 D
Riff 2
Em D C G
Riff 3
Em G Em G
Riff 4
Em D
The end of this part is where Billie J starts to strum and it gets easier.
Intro- Riff 1 (X2)
Riff 1
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road.
Riff 1
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go.
Riff 2
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
Riff 2
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time.
Riff 3
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
Riff 4
I hope you had the time of your life.
Instrumental- G, Cadd9, D (X2)
GSo take the photographs,Cadd9 and still frames in your mDind.
GHang it on a shelf in Cadd9good health and good Dtime.
EmTattoos of Dmemories andC dead skin on Gtrial.
EmFor what it's Dworth, it was Cworth all the Gwhile.
EmIt's something Gunpredictable, Embut in the end it'sG right.
EmI hope you had the Dtime of your Glife.
Instrumental- G, Cadd9, D (X4)
Em, D, C, G
EmIt's something Gunpredictable, Embut in the end it's Gright
EmI hope you had the Dtime of your Glife
Instrumental- G, Cadd9, D (X2)
Riff 3
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
Riff 4
I hope you had the time of your life
Outro- Riff 1 (X2)
(Finish song with a full G down stroke after riff.)
Looking back at it now I've probably gone into a bit too much detail on this.
However I still think that this is the most accurate tab I've seen (no offence
to everybody else). The first part might be wrong but the chords used are definitely
the right ones.
Any questions and comments get me at