Green Day - 21 guns
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Green day - 21 Guns [Cast version]
C/E: 0-3-2-x-x-x
F/A: x-0-3-2-x-x
G/B: 7-10-9-x-x-x
Intro: Key Gm
G|-----8--------10--| 2x
Couplet 1: Key Gm
e|-6-------10-------| |-------------|
B|-8---8---11---10--| |-8---8---10--|
G|-----8--------10--| |-8---8---10--|
D|------------------| |-------------|
A|------------------| |-------------|
E|------------------| |-------------|
Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Couplet 2: Key Gm
e|-6-------10-------| |-----------|
B|-8---8---11---10--| |-8---(10)--|
G|-----8--------10--| |-8---(10)--|
D|------------------| |-----------|
A|------------------| |-----------|
E|------------------| |-----------|
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins
Chorus: Key Gm
(Played by Violins)
A#One, F/Atwenty-one Gmguns
FLay down your D#arms, A#give up the Ffight
A#One, F/Atwenty-one Gmguns
FThrow up your D#arms iA#nto the Fsky, you and D#I A# C
Couplet 3: Key Dm
DmWhen you're A#at the Fend of the Croad
DmAnd you A#lost all Fsense of conCtrol
DmAnd your tA#houghts have Ftaken their Ctoll
When your A#mind breaks the spirit of your Csoul
Couplet 4: Key Dm
DmYour A#faith walks on Fbroken Cglass
DmAnd the A#hangover Fdoesn't Cpass
DmNothing's A#ever Fbuilt to Clast
You're in A#ruins
Chorus: Key Dm
C FOne, C/Etwenty-one Dmguns
CLay down your A#arms, Fgive up the Cfight
FOne, C/Etwenty-one Dmguns
CThrow up your A#arms Finto the Csky, you and A#I
Bridge: Key Gm
GDid you, Did you D#try to A#live on your Fown
GWhen you, When you D#burned down the A#house and Dhome?
GDid you, Did you D#stand too A#close to the Dfire
Like a D#liar looking for forgFiveness from a stone?
Couplet 5: Key Gm
(played by piano and violin)
GmWhen it's D#time to A#live and let Fdie
GmAnd you D#can't get A#another Ftry
GmSomething D#inside this A#heart has Fdied
Guitar -> E#
You're in ruins
Chorus: Key Am
F COne, G/Btwenty-one Amguns
GLay down your Farms, Cgive up the Gfight
COne, G/Btwenty-one Amguns
GThrow up your Farms Cinto the Gsky
GLay down your Farms, Cgive up the Gfight
COne, G/Btwenty-one Amguns
GThrow up your Farms Cinto the Gsky