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Capo: 2.
"Save The World" (Prefer capo on 2nd. fret) ____Intro: A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A ____Chorus:1 E Eaug5 A7---C#m We've got to save the world
GSomeone eB7lse may want to uCdim7se_____E9it G So far we've F#7seen This Bmplanet's rape, how we've abDmused_____Eit Eaug.5 A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A We've got to save the world
A The Russians have the bigEgest share A With their long fingers eE7verywhere D And now they've bombs in oF#7uter space D Dm A7--Adim7--Bm7-5/A With laser beams and atomic waste
A Rain forest chopped for pEaper towels A One acre gone in eE7very hour D Our birds and wildlife alF#7l destroyed D Dm A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A To keep some millionaires employed
____Chorus:2 E Eaug.5 A7---C#m We've got to save the whale
GGreenpeace tB7hey've tried to diffCdim7use_____E9it G But dog food F#7salesmen PerBmsist on kindly to harpDmoon_____Eit Eaug.5 A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A We've got to save the world
A The armament consoErtium A They're selling us plutE7onium D Now you can make your oF#7wn H-bomb D Dm A7--Adim7--Bm7-5/A Right in the kitchen with your mom
A The nuclear power that coEsts you more A Than anything you've knE7own before D The half-wit's answer tF#7o a need D Dm A7--Adim7--Bm7-5/A For cancer, death, destruction, greed
____Music + Sound Effects A---E---A---E7 D---F#7---D---Dm---A7 (KABOOM) A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A ____Chorus:3 E Eaug.5 A7---C#m We've got to save the world
GSomeone's chB7ildren they may Cdim7need_____E9it G So far we've F#7seen The Bmbig business of extinction Dmbleed_____Eit Eaug.5 A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A We've got to save the world
A We're at the mercy ofE so few A With evil hearts detE7ermined to D Reduce this planet iF#7nto hell D Dm A7--Adim7--Bm7-5/A Then find a buyer and make quick sale
A To end upon a hEappy note A Like trying to make cE7oncrete float D Is very simple knF#7owing that D Dm A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A God in your heart lives
____Chorus:4 E Eaug.5 A7---C#m We've got to save the world
GSomeone elB7se may want to Cdim7use_____E9it G It's time you F#7knew How Bmclose we've come, we're gonna lDmose_____Eit Eaug.5 Eaug.5 We gotta save, we gotta save, Eaug.5 A7---Adim7---Bm7-5/A---A we gotta save_____the world