George Harrison - Save the world
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SAVE THE WORLD (George Harrison)
From the album "Somewhere in England", 1981
Transcripted by Danilo Fiani (
Fm7(b5) (aka Fdim)
X X 3 4 3 4
F#m7(b5) (aka F#dim)
X X 4 5 4 5
Cmaj70 3 2 0 0 0
X 3 4 2 4 X
F/CX 3 3 2 1 1
(1st slide guitar)
C Co Fm7(b5) G
Chorus :
We've got to sG7ave the woCrld Cmaj7
Bb D7 F#m7(b5) G
Someone else may want to use it
Bb So far we've sA7een
This planDmet's rape,
how we've abG#7used it G
We've got to sG7ave the world
[C Co Fm7(b5)]
CThe Russians have the bGiggest share
C With their long fingersG everywhere
F And now tA7hey've bombs in outer space
F Fm C |Co Fm7(b5)| (fast passage)
With laser beams and atomic waste
C Rain forGest chopped for paper towels
C One acrGe gone in every hour*
F Our birds and wildlife A7all destroyed
F Fm [C Co F/C G]
To keep some millionaires employed (different interlude)
We've got to G7save the whaCle Cmaj7
Bb D F#m7(b5) G
Greenpeace they've tried to diffuse it
Bb But dog food saA7lesmen
PersDmist on kindly to harpG#7oon iGt
We've got to sG7ave the world
[C Co F/C]
C The armament consGortium
C They're selling us plutGonium
F Now you can make yourA7 own H-bomb
F Fm C |Co Fm7(b5)| (fast passage)
Right in the kitchen with your mom
C The nuclear power that cGosts you more
C Than anything you've knGown before
F The half-wit's answer A7to a need
F Fm C |Co Fm7(b5)| (fast passage)
For cancer, death, destruction, greed
[SOLO: repeat the verses above chords]
[Repeat the intro]
We've goG7t toC save Cmaj7the world
Bb D F#m7(b5) G
Someone's children they may need it
Bb So far we've sA7een
The Dmbig business of extiG#7nction bleed iGt
G7 C Co F
We've got to save the world
C We're atG the mercy of so few
C With evil hearts detGermined to
F Reduce this planet A7into hell
F Fm C |Co Fm7(b5)| (fast passage)
Then find a buyer and make quick sale
C To end upon a happGy note
C Like trying to make Gconcrete float
F Is very simple knA7owing that
F Fm C Co F
God in your heart lives
G We've got to sG7ave the worlCd Cmaj7
Bb D F#m7(b5) G
Someone else may want to use it
Bb It's time you kA7new
How clDmose we've come
We're gonna lG#7ose iGt - We gotta sG7ave, we gotta save
C Co Fm7(b5) C
We gotta save the world.
1) The slide guitar interludes vary. I've transcripted one from the
introduction (there are two, making a dobro) just in case of identifying
the main melody.
2) I really dislike this song. It has a quite bizarre chords sequency that
doesn't make a beautiful result. And the lyrics are very poor, not to
mention the "Russians" part, that reveals a very shallow knowledge about the facts
or, at least, a kind of ingenuity from my (our) favorite songwriter/musician.
I'm the biggest George Harrison fan in the world, for sure... but this song, along
with only 2 or 3 other songs from his entire career, is unpassable.
3) Why had I spent my time transcripting it' Well, "a friend came to me, and told
me that he wanted help"... so it was worthwile.