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Tuning: G C E A
Since this version isn't exactly like the original song, here's the acoustic version that inspired the tab: [Intro] C G E F x2 [Verse 1]
CI'm a dumb teen Gboy I eat Esticks and rocks Fand mud I don't Ccare about the Ggovernment And I Ereally need aF hug I feel Cstupid (stupid) GUgly (ugly) PretEend it doesn'tF bother me I'm Cnot very Gstrong but I'll Efuck you up if you're mean toF bugs
C G E F x4 [Verse 2]
CIt's getting Gcold down here Eunderneath theF weather I skipped Cclass to sit Gwith you I really Elike your spottyF sweater If Cladybugs are Ggirls How do Eyou make kidsF together? What's it Clike in a female Gworld I bet it's Ejust so muchF better
DI just turned fourteen FAnd I think this year I'm gonna be mean
CDon't Emess with me 'cause aF big boy now and I'Gm very scary CI Epunch my walls, stayF out at night, and IG do karate CDon't Emmessage me cause IF won't reply, I wannaG make you cry CAin't that how its Ems'posed to be? Though it Fisn't me Boys Gwill be bugs right?
C Em F G x2 [Verse 3]
CI'm a dumb teen Gboy All I Ewanna do isF quit My mum Ctold me that she's Gworried And I Ecouldn't give aF shit I have Cfriends who underGstand me Their Enames are spider,F beetle, bee They Cdon't say Gmuch but EThey have alwaysF listened to me
C G E F [Verse 4]
The Cother boys at Gschool Think it's Ecool to hate yourF parents But they're Clying all the Gtime The bugs Eadvised that I shouldF let 'em And Cif you wanna Gcry Make sure Ethat they neverF see it Or Ceven better Gyet Block it Eout and neverF feel it
DI just turned fourteen FAnd I think I know everything
CDon't Emess with me 'cause aF big boy now and I'Gm very scary CI Epunch my walls, stayF out at night, and IG do karate CDon't Emmessage me cause IF won't reply, I wannaG make you cry CAin't that how its Ems'posed to be? Though it Fisn't me Boys Gwill be bugs right?
C Em (FBoyGs will be bugs right?) [Bridge] DJust turned fourteen And I Fthink this year I'm gonna be mean D(Just turned fourteen and I tFhink I know everything) DJust turned fourteen And I Fthink I know everything (DJust turned fourteen and I Fthink the world revolves aroundG me)
D F# G A x2 [Chorus]
DDon't F#mess with me 'cause a Gbig boy now and I'mA very scary DI F#punch my walls, stay Gout at night, and I Ado karate DDon't F#message me cause I Gwon't reply, I wanna Amake you cry DAin't that how its F#s'posed to be? Though it Gisn't me Boys Awill be bugs right?
D(reF#peatG laAst chorus)