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Tuning: E A D G B E
Tune down not quite a 1/2 step to match the recording.
D A F# G x2
[Verse 1]
DI'm a dumb teen Aboy
I eat F#sticks and rocks and Gmud
I don't Dcare about the Agovernment
And I F#really need a Ghug
I feel Dstupid (stupid)
AUgly (ugly)
PretF#end it doesn't Gbother me
I'm Dnot very Astrong but
I'll F#fuck you up if you're mean to Gbugs
D A F# G x4
[Verse 2]
DIt's getting Acold down here F#underneath the Gweather
I skipped Dclass to sit Awith you
I really F#like your spotty Gsweater
If Dladybugs are Agirls
How do F#you make kids Gtogether?
What's it Dlike in a female Aworld
I bet it's F#just so much Gbetter
E7I just turned fourteen
GAnd I think this year I'm gonna be meaDn
Don'tF# mess with me 'cause I'Gm a big boy now and AI'm very scary
DI F#punch my walls, stay Gout at night, and I Ado karate
DDon't F#message me cause I Gwon't reply, I wanna Amake you cry
DAin't that how its F#s'posed to be? Though it Gisn't me
Boys Awill be bugs right?
D A F# G
D A F#Boys wGill be bugs right?
[Verse 3]
DI'm a dumb teen Aboy
All I F#wanna do is Gquit
My mum Dtold me that she's Aworried
And I F#couldn't give a Gshit
I have Dfriends who underAstand me
Their F#names are spider, Gbeetle, bee
They Ddon't say Amuch but
F#They have always Glistened to me
D A F# G
[Verse 4]
The Dother boys at Aschool
Think it's F#cool to hate your Gparents
But they're Dlying all the Atime
The bugs F#advised that I should Glet 'em
And Dif you wanna Acry
Make sure F#that they never Gsee it
Or Deven better Ayet
Block it F#out and never Gfeel it
E7I just turned fourteen
And I Gthink I know everythinDg
Don't F#mess with me 'cause I'mG a big boy now and IA'm very scary
DI F#punch my walls, stay Gout at night, and I Ado karate
DDon't F#message me cause I Gwon't reply, I wanna Amake you cry
DAin't that how its F#s'posed to be? Though it Gisn't me
Boys Awill be bugs right?
D A F#Boys wGill be bugs right?
E7Just turned fourteen
And I Gthink this year I'm gonna be mean
E7(Just turned fourteen and I Gthink I know everything)
E7Just turned fourteen
And I Gthink I know everything
(E7Just turned fourteen and I Gthink the world revolves around Ame)
E G# A B x2
EDon't G#mess with me 'cause I'mA a big boy now and IB'm very scary
EI G#punch my walls, stay Aout at night, and I Bdo karate
EDon't G#message me cause I Awon't reply, I wanna Bmake you cry
EAin't that how its G#s'posed to be? Though it Aisn't me
Boys Bwill be bugs right?
E(reG#peatA laBst chorus)