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FEveryday I WGmake Up Next To An CAngel More BFeautiful Than GmWords Could SCay They FSaid It wouldnt GmWork But What Did CThey Know? Cause FYears Passed And GmWe're Still Here CToday NeAver In My DreDmams Did I TGhink That TGhis Would Happen To CMe
As I SDmtand Here BeCfore My WoAman I CDmant Fight Back The TCears In My EDmyes Oh HDmow Could I BCe So LucAky I muDmst've Done SoCmething RiDmght AnAd I Promise To LoveA Her For The RCest Of My LiFfe
[Verse 2]
Seems Like YeFsterday When SGmhe First Said HCello FunnyF How Time Flies GmBy When You're In CLove It FTook Us A GmLifetime To Find EacCh Other It Was WForth The Wait Cause I FGminally Found The COne ANever In My DreDmams Did I ThGink That TGhis Would Happen To CMe
As I SDmtand Here BeCfore My WoAman I CDmant Fight Back The TCears In My EDmyes Oh HDmow Could I BCe So LucAky I muDmst've Done SoCmething RiDmght AnAd I Promise To LoveA Her For The RCest Of My LiFfe
[Outro] F, Gm, C (Fade out)