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DEveryday I WAmake Up Next To An DAngel More BDeautiful Than AmWords Could SDay They DSaid It wouldnt AmWork But What Did DThey Know? Cause DYears Passed And AmWe're Still Here DToday NeEver In My DreAmams Did I TDhink That TDhis Would Happen To DMe
As I SAmtand Here BeDfore My WoEman I CAmant Fight Back The TDears In My EAmyes Oh HAmow Could I BDe So LucEky I muAmst've Done SoDmething RiAmght AnEd I Promise To LoveE Her For The RDest Of My LiDfe
Seems Like YeDsterday When SAmhe First Said HDello FunnyD How Time Flies AmBy When You're In DLove It DTook Us A AmLifetime To Find EacDh Other It Was WDorth The Wait Cause I FAminally Found The DOne ENever In My DreAmams Did I ThDink That TDhis Would Happen To DMe
As I SAmtand Here BeDfore My WoEman I CAmant Fight Back The TDears In My EAmyes Oh HAmow Could I BDe So LucEky I muAmst've Done SoDmething RiAmght AnEd I Promise To LoveE Her For The RDest Of My LiDfe
[OUTRO] D, Am, D (Fade out)