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This is the full song by Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band. I did not find a full version of the song here on so here you go! If you find any errors please let me know! Standard Tuning No Capo Intro: Dm
CThe ragaFmuffin gunner is returnCin' home like a huCngry runaway Em7 He wFalks through town all alCone He must be from the fort Che hears the high school girls Emsay
His Ccountryside's burnin' with wolfG/Fman fairies dressed in dDmrag for homicEmide The hFit and run, plead sanCctuary, `neath a hColy stone they hiEmde They're Fbreakin' beams and crosCses with a sCpastic's reelin' perfeEmction FNuns run bald through CVatican halls pregnant, pCleadin' immaculate conceptioEmn And Ceverybody's wrecG/Fked on Main Street from driDmnking unholy blood Em FSticker smiles sweet as gCunner breathes deep, his aFnkles caEmked in mDmud And I said &Fquot;Hey gunCner man thaDmt's quicksand, thFat's quicksCand that ain't Dmmud Have you throwFn your senCses toDm the war or did you lFose them in tChe flood?" ... .... Dm Dm C
Additional Lyrics:
FThat pure AmeriCcan brother, dull-eCyed and empty-facEmed Races SFundays in JerCsey in a CheCvy stock super eighEmt He riCdes `er low on the hip, on the sG/Fide he's got Bound For Glory in rDmed, White and blue flash paiEmnt He leaFns on the hood telling racCing stories, the kiFds call him JimEmmy The SainDmt Well the Dmblaze and noise boy, he's gCunnin' that Dmbitch loaded to blastin' poinDmt He rides head first into a Churricane and disDmappears into a poinDmt And there's Cnothin' left but some blood where the bG/Fody fell That is, Dmnothin' left that you could Emsell
FJust junk all acrossC the horizon, a Freal higEmhwayman's Dmfarewell And he said &Fquot;Hey kid, Cyou think thDmat's oil? FMan, that aCin't oil that's Dmblood"
I Fwonder what he was tChinking when he Dmhit that storm Or wFas he just lCost in the Dmflood?
Dm C C Dm Dm
Eighth FAvenue sailors in Csatin shirts Ewhisper in the airEm Some Fstorefront incarCnation of Maria, she's pCuttin' on me the Emstare And CBronx's best aG/Fpostle stands with his Dmhand on his own hardEm ware FEverything stops, you hear Cfive, quick shots, the Fcops come Emup for aDmir And now the Dmwhiz-bang gang from Cuptown, they're sDmhootin' up the Dmstreet And that cat from the Bronx starts Clettin' loose but he gets Dmblown right off his Dmfeet And some Ckid comes blastin' round the G/Fcorner but a Dmcop puts him right Emaway He lFays on the street holding his leg screaming Csomething in Spanish Still Fbreathing when EmI walked aDmway And somebody said &Fquot;HeyC man did youDm see that? His body hit the Fstreet with such a Cbeautiful Dmthud" I Fwonder what the Cdude was sayinDm' or Fwas he just Clost in the Dmflood? FHey man, Cdid you see Dmthat, those Fpoor cats are Csure messed Dmup I Fwonder what Cthey were gettin' Dminto, or Fwere they just Clost in the Dmflood?
Dm C C Dm Dm Dm Dm C