Bruce Springsteen - Lost in the flood
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Lost in the flood by Bruce Springsteen
Em D
The raCgamuffin gunner is retDurning home like a hGungry runawBmay
He wCalks through town aDll alone " He must be fromG the fort",
he hears the high school girls Bmsay
His Dcountryside's burning with Cwolfman fairies dressed in Emdrag for homiBmcide
They Chit and run plead sDanctuary,'neath a Gholy stone they Bmhide
They're Cbreakin' beams and Dcrosses with a Gspastic's reelin' perBmfection
CNuns run bald though VaDtican halls, pregnant,Gpleadin' immaculate conBmception
And Deverybody's wrecked on CMain street from Emdrinking unholy Bmblood
CSticker smiles sweet as GDunner breathes deep, his Cankles Dcaked in Emmud
And I said, &qCuot; Hey guDnner man, thEmat's quicksand, thCat's quicksDand, that ain't
Emmud. Have you Cthrown your Dsenses Emto the war, or did you Close them Din the
That Cpure American Dbrother, dull-Geyed and empty-fBmaced
CRaces Sundays in DJersey, in a GChevy stock super Bmeight
He rides 'er Dlow on the hip, on the side he's gotC "Bound for Glory"
in Emred white and blue flash Bmpaint
He lCeans on the hood telling Dracing stories, the Ckids call him DJimmy the
Well that Emblaze and noise boy, he's Ggunnin' that bitch Cloaded to blastin'
Empoint. He Emrides headfirst into a hGurricane and dissaCpears into a pEmoint
And there's Dnothin' left but some blood where the Cbody fell,
that is, Emnothin' left that you could Bmsell
Just jCunk all across the Dhorizon, a real hCighwayDman's farewEmell
And I said, &Cquot;Hey kid,D you think thaEmt's oil?C Man that aDin't oil, thEmat's blood
I wConder what he was Dthinking when he hEmit that storm, or Cwas he just
lDost in the floEmod?Am&quDot;D Am Em
Eighth CAvenue sailors in Dsatin shirts Gwhisper in the Bmair
Some Cstorefront incarnDation of Maria, she's Gputtin' on me the sBmtare
And BDronx's best aCpostle stands with his Emhand on his own hardBmware
ECverything stops, you hear Dfive quick shots, the Ccops come Dup for Emair
And now the Emwhiz-bang gang from Guptown, they're Cshootin' up the Emstreet
And that Emcat from the Bronx starts Glettin' loose, but he gets Cblown right
off his Emfeet.
And some Dkid comes blastin' round the Ccorner, but a Emcop puts him right aBmway
He lCays on the street holding his Dleg, screaming something is Spanish
still bCreathin' when DI walked awEmay
And someone said, &Cquot;Hey mDan, did you Emsee that? His body hitC the street
with such a Dbeautiful tEmhud"
I wConder what the Ddude was sEmayin' or Cwas he just Dlost in the Emflood?
HCey man Ddid you sEmee that? Those Cpoor cats are sDure messed uEmp
I Cwonder what Dthey were gettin' Eminto, or wCere they all just Dlost
Em Am D D Am Em / Em Am D D Am Em /(repeat to end )
in the flood?
(very cool tune for solo acoustic)
the song gives me chills everytime I hear it!