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Capo: 3
Tuning: E A D G B E
Difficulty: Easy
Tuning: EADGBE
WhoGa, oDh, oGh, oCh (for the longest)
FDor the longest time
WGhoa, DohG, oCh (for the longest)
FDor the longest time
IGf you sDaid GgoodCbye to me toDnight
TGhere would sDtill Gbe mCusic left to Dwrite
WhCat else could EmI do D
I'm so inspGired by you
TChat hasn't haEmppened for the lonDgest tiGme
OnGce I thoDught Gmy innCocence was Dgone
NGow I knDow thGat happCiness goes oDn
TChat's where you fEmound me
WDhen you put your aGrms around me
CI haven't Embeen there for the lDongest tiGme
WhGoa, oDh, Goh, oCh (for the longest)
FDor the longest time
WhGoa, oDh, Goh, oCh (for the longest)
FoDr the longest time
IG'm that vDoice youG're heCaring in the Dhall
AGnd the grDeatesGt mirCacle of aDll
IsC how I neEmed you
ADnd how you neeGded me too
ThCat hasn't hapEmpened for the loDngest tiGme
MayCbe this won't lEmast very long
BuCt you feel so right
AndD I could be wrong
MaCybe I've been hoEmping too hard
BCut I've gone this far
And it's mDore than I hoped for
WhGo knows hDow mGuch fuCrther we'll go Don
MaGybe I'Dll bGe soCrry when you're gDone
IC'll take my chEmances
ID forgot how nicGe romance is
IC haven't beEmen there for the lonDgest tiGme
I hCad second thouEmghts at the start
I Csaid to myself, "Emhold on to your heart"
NCow I know the womEman that you are
You're wonCderful so far
And it's mDore than I hoped for
IG don't caDre whGat conseCquence it brDings
IG have beDen Ga fCool for lesser thDings
IC want you sEmo bad
ID think you ougGht to know that
IC intend to hoEmld you for the loDngest tiGme
WGhoa, Doh, Goh, oCh (for the longest)
FDor the longest time
WhGoa, oDh,G oCh (for the longest)
FDor the longest time
WhGoa, oDh,G oCh (for the longest)
FDor the longest time
WhGoa, oDh,G oCh (for the longest)
FDor the longest time... G