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Tuning: E A D G B E
DOh, Aoh, D/F#oh, oGh, fAor the longest tDime, Aoh, D/F#oh, oGh, fAor the longest [time]
DIf A/C#you sBmaid gAoodbGye to me toniDght, thDere A/C#would sBmtill Abe E/G#music lEeft to wrAite
F#7What else could BmI do?A/C# I'm so inspDired by youG, that hasn't Emhappened for the lA7ongest tDime
DOncA/C#e I thBmought Amy Ginnocence was gDone, nDowA/C# I kBmnow tAhat E/G#happinEess goes oAn
TF#7hat's where you fBmound mA/C#e, when you put your aDrms around meG, I haven't bEmeen there for the lA7ongest tDime
DOh, Aoh, D/F#oh, oGh, fAor the longest tDime, Aoh, D/F#oh, oGh, fAor the longest
DI'mA/C# that vBmoice yoAu're heGaring in the hDall, aDndA/C# the grBmeatAest E/G#miracEle of aAll
F#7Is how I nBmeed yoA/C#u, and how you neDeded me too,G that hasn't hEmappened for the lA7ongest tDime
AMaybe this wont Bmlast very long, but C#you feel so right, and DI could be wrong
MAaybe I've been Bmhoping too hard, but IE7've gone this far, and it's mAore than I hoped for
WDho A/C#knows Bmhow mAuch fGurther we'll go oDn, mDayA/C#be IBm'll Abe sE/G#orry wEhen you're gAone
F#7I'll take my chBmancesA/C#, I forgot how nDice romance isG, I haven't bEmeen there for the lA7ongest tDime
AI had second thBmoughts at the start, I C#said to myself, hold Don to your heart
NAow I know the wBmoman that you are, you're wE7onderful so far, and it's mAore than I hoped for
DI dA/C#on't cBmare wAhat cGonsequence it briDngs, DI A/C#have bBmeen Aa E/G#fool fEor lesser thAings
F#7 I want you Bmso bad,A/C# I think you oDught to know thatG, I intend to hEmold you for the lA7ongest tDime
DOh, Aoh, D/F#oh, oGh, fAor the longest tDime, Aoh, D/F#oh, oGh, fAor the longest time
A/C# Bm E/G# E C# D D/F# F#7