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Allentown chords
Billy Joel
C D G 3x
AWell we're Emliving here in AAllenDtown
And they're Amclosing all the Dfactories Gdown
Out in EmBethlehem they're Akilling Bmtime
AFilling out Emforms
DStanding in Aline.
Well our Emfathers fought the ASecond World DWar
Spent their Amweekends on the DJersey GShore
Met our Emmothers at the AUSBmO A
AAsked them to Emdance
DDanced with them AslowA7
And we're Emliving here in AAllenDtown.
But the Frestlessness was Ghanded Cdown
And it's Amgetting very Dhard to EmstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBmaaaaaaaayC D G
C D G 2x
AWell we're Emwaiting here in AAllenDtown
For the AmPennsylvania Dwe never Gfound
For the Empromises our Ateachers Bmgave
AIf we worked Emhard
DIf we beAhavedA7.
So the Emgraduations Ahang on the Dwall
But they Amnever really Dhelped us at Gall
No they Emnever taught us Awhat was Bmreal
AIron or Emcoke,
DChromium AsteelA7.
And we're Emwaiting here in AAllenDtown.
But they've Ftaken all the Gcoal from the Cground
And the Amunion people Dcrawled EmawaaaaaaaaaaBmaaaaaaaaaCy D G
C D G 2x
FEvery child had a Gpretty good Fshot
To get at Gleast as far as Ftheir old man Bbgot.
FIf something happened on the Gway to that Fplace
They threw an American flag Gin our faceF, G
C D G 2x
AWell I'm Emliving here in AAllenDtown
And it's Amhard to keep a Dgood man Gdown.
But I Amwon't be getting Dup toEmdaaaaaaaaaaaaBmaaaaaayyyyyyyCy D G
And it's Amgetting very Dhard to EmstaaaaaaaBmaaaaaaaCy.D G
And we're Amliving here in DAllenGtown. C G