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There are already 3 chord versions of this song, but I think this one sounds the best..even if I say so myself... C D G/B 2x C D G-Gsus4-G
Well Emwe're living hAereD in Allentown And Amthey'rDe cGlosing all the factories down OuEmt in Bethlehem thAey'Bmre killing time FiAlling outG forD/F#ms - SD/Atand


inAg in line Well ouEmr fatherAs fouDght the Second World War SpenAmt their weDekeGnds on the Jersey Shore Met ourEm motheArs iBmn the USO AskeAd theGm to D/F#dance,D/A Dan


ceAd with them slow AnEmd we're AlivinDg here in Allentown
BuF/At the rG/BestlessCness was handed down AnAmd it'sD geEmttinG/Bg verCy hDard to stay
C D G/B 2x C D G-Gsus4-G
WellEm we're AwaitiDng here in Allentown For Amthe DPenGnsylvania we never found FoEmr the AproBmmises our teachers gave IfA we workeGd hard D/F#, If weA behaved So thEme graduatAions Dhang on the wall BuAmt they neveDr realGly helped us at all No theyEm neverA taugBmht us what was real IronA and GcokD/F#e - And chrAomium steel
AnEmd we're waitiAng heDre in Allentown BuF/At they'G/Bve takeCn all the coal from the ground AnAmd the DuniEmon pG/BeopleC crDawled away
FEveryG/F child Fhad a pretty good shot FTo geG/Ft at leBb/Fast as far as their old man got FBut sG/FomethinFg happened on the way to that place FThey G/Fthrew an American flag in our face
C D G/B 2x C D G Gsus4 G
WeEmll I'm lAivingD here in Allentown And F/Ait's haG/Brd toC keep a good man down BuAmt I woDn'tEm be G/BgettiCng Dup today - ay - ay
C D G/B C D SOLO> F G/F F F G/F Bb/F F G/F F F G/F C D G/B 2x
AnCd it'Ds gEmettiG/Bng veCry Dhard to stay And Amwe'rDe lGiving here in Allentown