Artist Franco
Franco - A beautiful diversion
Franco - A mass for the end of time
Franco - A prayer
Franco - Across the milky way
Franco - All nighter
Franco - Aurora sunrise
Franco - Better days
Franco - Breaking for the weekend
Franco - Castaway
Franco - Drifter
Franco - For my dearly departed
Franco - Goodbye goodnight
Franco - Lost in your universe
Franco - Lover’s fire
Franco - Manipulator
Franco - Memory kill
Franco - Mondaze
Franco - Muse
Franco - Next train out
Franco - Off of Center
Franco - Razor
Franco - Rebirth
Franco - Seasons
Franco - Song for the suspect
Franco - Stupid me
Franco - The closer i get to you
Franco - The closer i get to you cover
Franco - This gathering
Franco - To survive
Franco - Touch the sky
Franco - Uprising