Weezer - Island in the sun
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Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm When you're Fon a hFolidDmay Dm
You can't fFind the wFords to sDmay Dm
All the thFings that cFome to yDmou Dm
And I wFanna feFel it tDmoo Dm
On an Fisland Fin the sDmun Dm
We'll be plFaying and hFaving fDmun Dm
And it mFakes me fFeel so fDmine
I cDman't contrFol my brFain
Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm When you're Fon a gFolden sDmea Dm
You don't nFeed no mFemorDmy Dm
Just a plFace to Fcall your oDmwn Dm
As we drFift intFo the zDmone Dm
On an Fisland Fin the sDmun Dm
We'll be plFaying and hFaving fDmun Dm
And it mFakes me fFeel so fDmine
I cDman't contrFol my brFain
F We'll run awFay together
F We'll spend some tFime forever
F We'll never fDmeel bad anymFore
Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm F FHip hip
Dm Dm F F [x5 veces]
On an Fisland Fin the sDmun Dm
We'll be plFaying and hFaving fDmun Dm
And it mFakes me fFeel so fDmine
I cDman't contrFol my brFain
F We'll run awFay together
F We'll spend some tFime forever
F We'll never fDmeel bad anymFore
Hip hip Dm Dm F F
Hip hip Dm[We'Dmll nFeveFr feel bad anymore]
Hip hip Dm Dm F F
Hip hip Dm[No Dmno] F F
Hip hip Dm Dm F F
Hip hip Dm[We'Dmll nFeveFr feel bad anymore]
Hip hip Dm Dm F F
Hip hip Dm[No Dmno].F...F..