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CSoul is a feelinGg, Amfeeling deep wFithin CSoul is notG the colour of your skAmin G CSoul is the Gessence, essence Amfrom within F
CIt is wheGre everything beginCs Soul Emis what you've been through WhatAm's true for you WheFre you going to WhaGt you're gonna do CSoul is yourG station for the Amfolk of your nationF CSomething Gthat you wear Amwith pride G CSoul can be your Gvision or sometAmhing that isF hidden CIt's not Gsomething that you gotta hCide G [Saxophone solo] EmSoul is what you've been through AmWhat's true for you FWhere you going to GWhat you're gonna do CSoul can be Gyour station for the folkAm of yourF nation CSomething Gthat youAm wear with Gpride CSoul can be yoGur vision it cAman be your rFeligion CSomethGing that you justC can't hide G CSoul is a feelinGg, feeling deAmep withFin
CSoul is Gnot the colouAmr of your sGkin CSoul is the Gessence,Am essence from Fwithin CSoul is Gwhere everything beCgins G [Guitar solo] Barre' chord - 8th fret