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Tuning: E A D G B E
Yup, it's that simple Amazed this wasn't on here already As always, If you, like it, use it, copy it, please RATE IT Thanks flatwound ROLLING HILLS INTRO: F C F F G C F Bb F C F
AmFong the rolCling hiFlls, I'll liFve my lGife in HCim Oh, FI will live-a my lBbife in Him amFong the rolCling hiFlls And, WFith-a my wCife and chFild, I'll Fdo no mGan no iCll Oh, FI will do no Bbman no ill amFong the rolCling hFills
BbDa - da - da -da-da-da, FDa-da - Dmda, Da- Fda - da - Cda-da-da-Fda AmFong the rolCling hiFlls, I'll rFead my bGible stCill Oh, FI will read my bBbible still amFong the roClling hiFlls And with my pFen I'll wrCite-a my sFong, AmFong the roGlling hCills WFith-a my pen I'll wBbrite my song amFong the rolCling hiFlls
BbDa - da - da -da-da-da, FDa-da - Dmda, Da- Fda - da - Cda-da-da-Fda, All right
F C F Whoa F G C F Bb Yeah, F C F Yeah F C F Whoa F G C Yeah F Bb F C F
FI will Cdo my jFig, AmFong the rolGling hiClls FI will do my Bbjig and live amFong the rolCling hiFlls With my pFen I'll wrCite my sFong, AmFong the rolGling hiClls WFith my pen I'll wBbrite my song amFong the roClling hFills And I'll stFand and waCtch it aFll, AmFong the roGlling hCills And FI will stand and wBbatch it all amFong the rolCling hiFlls
BbDa - da - da -da-da-da, FDa-da - Dmda, Da- Fda - da - Cda-da-da-Fda, Again Take Bbout my pen and wrFite my sDmong, AmFong the roClling hFills Take Bbout my pen and wrFight my Dmsong, AmFong the roClling hFills, Last one I'll take Bbout my pen, And wFrite my sDmong, AmFong the rolCling hFills