Van Morrison - Glad tidings
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GLAD TIDINGS - Van Morrison (1970)
Bass intro (notes): D G,G,G,G D G,G,G,G x 2
G Chord (mute as needed)
And they'll lay you down low and easy.
And the lips that you kiss will say "Christmas".
And demand that you travel the distance.
So believe no lies,
C Dry yourG eyes
C And reaGlise -
D That surpGrise
G La, la, la, la
C La, la, la, la
G La, la, la, la
D La, la, la, la (x2)
Turnaround to verse: G C G C
And the bGusinessmen will shake hCands and talk in nGumbers C
And the PrGincess will wake Cup from her slGumbers C
Then all the knGights will step forth C with their Garm bands C
And every strGanger you meet in the strCeet will make demGands C
So believe no Glies,
C Dry yourG eyes
C And reaGlise
D That surpGrise
CHORUS (as above) (ie "(G) A A La La...")
Turnaround to bridge: G C G G7
And we'll sCend you glad tDidings from New York G
COpen up your eDyes so you may seGe
CAsk you not to reDad between the liGnes Em
CHope that you will coDme in right on tiGme
Turnaround to verse: G C G C
And they'll tGalk to you whCile you're in trGances C
And you'll vGisualize not tCaking any chGances C
But meet them hGalfway with lCove, peace and persuGasion C
And expGect them to rCise for the occGasion C
Don't it graGtify
C When you see it materiaGlise
C Right in front of your eGyes
D That surprisGe
Turnaround to bridge: G C G G7
[Insert Bridge Here] (ie "And we (C) send you...")
Turnaround to verse: G C G C
And they'll lGay you down lCow and eGasy G
:Charted by Bustopher the Busker -