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It's a pretty easy and fun song to play and sing to... -------------------------------------------------------------- Intro: C F F F x4
Like a fCull foFrce gaFle F I was liCfted uFp agFain F I was liCfted uFp agFain bFy the CLord F F F
And no matCter whFere I rFoam F I will fiCnd my wFay back Fhome F I will alwCays reFturn tFo tFhe LCord F F F
In the geCntle evFening brFeeze F By the whiCspering sFhady tFrees F I will fiCnd my sanFctuarFy inF the CLord F F F
AmI was headed for a fallF AmThen I looked up and saw the writing on the Fwall
Like a fCull fForce gFale F I was liCfted uFp agFain F I was liCfted uFp agFain byF the LoCrd F F F
Solo Chords : D A G A x2 (solo tab coming soon)
AmI was headed for a fall F AmThen I looked up and saw the writing on the waFll
In the geCntle eveFning breFeze F By the whiCspering shFady trFees F I will fiCnd my sFanctuaFry inF the LCord F F F
And no maCtter whFere I rFoam F I will fiCnd my wFay backF home F I will alCways reFturnF to tFhe LoCrd F F F
Like a fuCll foFrce gFale F I was lifCted uFp agaFin F I was lifCted uFp agaFin byF the LCord