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U2 - Van Diemen's Land (by The Edge) Original Key: #F major (with all string's tuned half step down). But if you can reach the high note, why bother. Just stick to standard tuning (G major key). To get the authentic flavour of this simple yet great song done by The Edge of U2, one needs to understand a few key characteristics of the chords employed. 1) All G chords are played with D on B string (see chord shapes below) 2) C2 shape used for all G-C2-G transitions 3) Play the /G /B bass notes right, leading to Em chord 4) Appreciate the use of C chord as transition in between Em and G. Compare with playing without it, and you will see the magic touch of the true Master - The Edge rules! See how The Edge plays it:'v=el7oKnbPdfY Chord shapes used in this song
G : E3 A2 D0 G0 B3 E3 C2 : x 3 2 0 3 3 C : x 3 2 0 1 0 Em : x x 2 0 0 0 Dsus4: x x 0 2 3 3 D : x x 0 2 3 2 Bm : x 2 4 4 3 2
Intro: G - - - | C2 - - - | G - - - | D - - - | G - - C2 | G - Hold me Verse 1 G C2 |G - - C2 | G - /G /B now, oh hold me now. Till this
Emhour C has gone aDsus4round. D And I'm Bmgone on the rising Emtide. C For to G D |G - - C2 | G fa - ce Van Diemen's land It's a bitter
Verse 2 G C2 |G - - C2 | G - /G /B pill I swallow here. To be
Emrent C from one so Dsus4dear D We fought for Bmjustice and not for Emgain. C But the magis- G D |G - - C2 | G tra - te sent me away. Now kings will
Verse 3 G C2 |G - - C2 | G - /G /B rule, and the poor will toil. And tear their
Emhands C as they tear the Dsus4soil. D But a day will Bmcome in the dawning Emage. C When an honest G D |G - - C2 | G man sees an honest wage. Hold me
(Repeat Verse 1 with outtro) G C2 |G - - C2 | G - /G /B now, oh hold me now. Till this
Emhour C has gone aDsus4round. D And I'm Bmgone on the rising Emtide. C For to Gfa - Dce Van Diemen's Emland. C For to G D |G - - C2 | G fa - ce Van Diemen's land
***** Hi. My name is Jeff Hao. I arrange songs for easy piano solo and chords and put them on Hao Staff (a kind of piano tab that anyone can read and play). Check out (All free downloads). In my work, I need to figure out the chords first (accurately). I will start to share all my work here for the guitar players. You will notice the unique format I came up for myself in matching the chord change with the right word (or part of the word). Being a guitar player, I find this format much easier to read and sing along. It also shows the chord progression structure more clearly for easier memorizing. Enjoy!