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The ground beneath her feet
BmAll my F#mlife, I worshGipped herA Her Bmgolden F#mvoice, her beaGuty’s beatA How sheBm made us fF#meel How she Gmade me rAeal And theG ground beneath her fF#meet And theG ground beneath her feAet
And now I can’t be sure of anything Black is white, and cold is heat For what I worshipped stole my love away It was the ground beneath her feet It was the ground beneath her feet
BmGo F#mlightly down your Gdarkened Away BmGo F#mlightly underGgroundA BmI’ll be F#mdown there Gin another Aday I won’tG rest until you’re Afound
LBmet me love you, lAet me rescue you GLet me bring you where two roads meetA, Hmi
O come back above
AWhere there’s onlyG loveF#m, only GloveF#m BmLet me love you true, F#mlet me rescue you GLet me bring you to where Atwo roads meet BmLet me love you true, F#mlet me rescue you GLet me bring you to where Atwo roads meet
Cmi: 788777 F#mi:244222 G: 355433 A: 577655 (vše je v baré stylu) P.S Omlouvám se, bylo zde blbě napsáno jak se který akord drží(doufám že se to píše od E6). Těm co na to doplatili se omlouvám. A že by vás mělo být okolo 300.