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Band: U2 Song: Kite Album: All That You Can't Leave Behind Intro: E A x2
SEomething isA about to gEive, I can feAel it cEoming I think I knAow what it Eis. I'm not afrAaid to dEie, I'm not afrAaid to lEive And whAen I'm flEat on my back, I hope to feAel like I dEid. And hAardness, it sets in, you need some protC#mection The thinner the skAin. E I want you to knAow, that yC#mou don't need me anymAore E I want you to knAow, you don't need anyC#mone, or anything at Aall. EWho's to say where the wind will take you BWho's to say what it is will break you AWell, I don't know, which way the wind will blow. EWho's to know when the time is come around BDon't want to see your crAy, I know that this is not goodbye.
Break: E A x4
In the sEummer I can taste the salt of the sAea There's a kEite blowing out of control on the brAeeze I wEonder what's gonna happen to yAou You wEonder what has happened to me.
Solo: A A C#m A
I'm a mEan, B I'm not a chAild. I'm a mEan, who seBes the shAadow behind your eyes EWho's to say where the wind will take you BWho's to say what it is will break you AI don't know, where the wind will blow. EWho's to know when the time has come around BDon't want to see your crAy, I know that this is not goodbye.
Break: E A X2
Did I wEaste it' Not so mAuch i couldn't tEaste it life shAould be frEagrant rooftAop to the basEement the lAast of the rEockstars when hAip hop turned the bEeat cars in the tAime when new mEedia who's tAhe big ideEa that wAas the big idEea
Outro: A E A End on E Such a beautiful song!!!Hope it's right!