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U2 Electrical Storm tabbed by {phlikone} I looked at some of the other tabs and they just seem to be off to me. This is what I hear, it works fine with open chords or barred. I put a few alternatives for you to experiment with. I am a solo acoustic I don't have the lead part, but other tab versions might have it. Please give a good rating, Thanks! Chords F#m A E or E B D or D C#m 0r C#m e|--0----0---0------7---0---0------5---0-------4---| B|--0----0---0------9---0---0------7---0-------5---| G|--2----6---1------9---8---11-----7---9-------6---| D|--4----7---2------9---9---12-----7---11------6---| A|--4----7---2------7---9---12-----5---11------4---| E|--2----5---0------7---7---10-----5---9-------4---| note: I make an open E chord and use my thumb for F#m, A, B, D, and C#m. The rhythm is pretty tough to figure out, just get use to the song and you'll get it. Intro: F#m A B Verse:
F#m The sea it Aswells Blike a sore F#mhead and the night it is AachingB F#m Two lovers Alie with Bno sheets on their F#mbed and the day it is AbreakingB
F#m On rainy Adays we Bgo swimming F#mout on rainy Adays, swimBming in the F#msound On rainy Adays we Bgo swimming out
D You're in my Emind all the C#mtime I know that's Dnot enough if the sky can Ecrack there must be some way C#mback for love and Donly love
F#m A B
F#m Car alarm won't Alet you Bback to sleep F#m you're kept awake Adreaming someBone else's F#mdream coffee is cold, Abut it will Bget you through F#mcompromise, that's nAothing nBew to you F#m let's see Acolours that have Bnever been F#mseen let's go to plAaces no one Belse has beDen
D You're in my Emind allthe C#mtime I know that's Dnot enough if the sky can Ecrack there must be some way C#mback for love and Donly love
D E F#mElectrical AStorm D E F#mElectrical AStorm D E F#m A - B Electrical Storm BBaby don't cryF#m
Intro: F#m A B (2x)
F#m It's hot as hell, Ahoney in this Broom F#m sure hope the weather will Abreak Bsoon
F#m the air is heavy, Aheavy as a tBruck F#m hope the rain will Awash away our Bbad luck
DheeEeeyC#m... hDeeeey..... D If the sky can Ecrack, there must be some way C#mback for love and Donly love
D E F#mElectrical AStorm D E F#mElectrical AStorm D E F#m A - B ~~~~~~~~~~~ Electrical Storm
E Baby don't crAy (repeat) end.
ELECTRICAL STORM (EASY VERSION) tabbed by {Phlikone} I'm going to put an "easy" version...I figured it out last night, these are basic chords but played with a capo on two. These are the same "notes" as in the above version, just easier to play for those, like me, struggle sometimes. So I hope this will help those who are just learning...Don't forget to rate! Thanks. Chords (relative to capo on 2nd fret) (X)= don't play
e|-Em-X---GX---A0---Bm-2---A#1----CX---D2---| B|--0---X---2----3---1----1---3---| G|--0---0---2----4---3----0---2---| D|--2---0---2----4---3----2---0---| A|--2---2---0----2---1----3---0---| E|--0---3---X----X---X----0---X---|
Intro: Em G A Verse:
Em The sea it Gswells Alike a sore Emhead and the night it is Gaching A Em Two lovers Glie with Ano sheets on their Embed and the day it is Gbreaking A
Em On rainy Gdays we go Aswimming Emout on rainy Gdays, swimming Ain the Emsound On rainy Gdays we go Aswimming ouCt
C You're in my Dmind all the Bmtime I know that's Cnot enough if the sky can Dcrack there must be some way Bmback for love and Conly love
Em G A
Em Car alarm won't Glet you Aback to sleep Em you're kept awake Gdreaming someAone else's dEmream coffee is cold, Gbut it will Aget you through Emcompromise, that's Gnothing Anew to you Em let's see colours Gthat have Anever been sEmeen let's go to pGlaces no one Aelse has beCen
C You're in my Dmind allthe Bmtime I know that's Cnot enough if the sky can Dcrack there must be some way Bmback for love and Conly love
C D EEmlectrical GStorm C D EEmlectrical GStorm C D EEmlectrical GStorm ABaby don't cryEm
Intro: Em G A (2x)
Em It's hot as hell, Ghoney in this Aroom Em sure hope the weather will Gbreak Asoon
Em the air is heavy, Gheavy as a Atruck Em hope the rain will Gwash away our Abad luck
CheeDeey.Bm.. heeCeey..... C If the sky can Dcrack, there must be some way Bmback for love and Conly love
C D EEmlectrical GStorm C D EEmlectrical GStorm C D EEmlectrical GStorm
D Baby don't Gcry (repeat)