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Meet Virginia - By: Train Tabbed By: Shilo Zaba ------------------------------------------------------------------- Most everyone could divulge the 6-pattern tabs from the other entries on the site. But for those that just want to strum the song out easily, it can easily be shortened down to just playing G, C, Am, D. It's an easy way for beginners to play it. And if you wanna get it sounding more true to the original, in between verses you can strum out a G, C, Em*, Am, D, C> pattern. -------------------------------------------------------------------- G: (( 3 2 x x 3 3 )) C: (( x 3 2 x 1 x )) Em'*: (( x 2 x x x x )) <--Not exactly an Em but it's as close as it gets Em: (( x 2 2 x x x )) <--There are few actual Em's here as well. Am: (( x x 2 2 1 x )) D: (( x x x 2 3 2 )) Standard tuning. G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C <---Strum pattern is easy to figure out
GShe doesn't oCwn a dress Amhair is aDlways a mess
y'could cGatch her stealin she wCon't confess Am she's Cbeautiful
GShe smokes a Cpack a day, no Amwait thats me but Danyway.
GShe don't care a thing aCbout that hey, Am She thinks I'm Dbeautiful.
--- G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C ---
GShe never cComprimises, AmShe loves babies aDnd surprises.
She wGears high heels when she Cexcersises. Am Aint that Dbeautiful'
GMeet VirCginia. Am D
EmWell she wCants to be the Emqueen, Then she tChinks about her sEmcene.
Pulls her hCair back as she sEmcreams, I don't rCeally wanna Dbe a queen.
--- G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C ---
G Her daddy wrestles Calligators, AmMamma works on Dcarburators.
GBrother is a Cfine mediAmator for the pDresident. GWell here she Cis again on the Amphone
just like Dme hates to be alone Gwe just Clike to sit at hAmome
and rip on the Dpresident GMeet VirCginia Am D
EmWell she wCants to live her Emlife, then she tChinks about her Emlie.
Pulls her hCair back as she sEmcreams, I don't rCeally wanna live this lEmife........C &lEmt;--CVocal Run-On
-- G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C --
GShe only drinks cCoffee at mAmidnight, when the mDoment is nGot right.
G her tCiming iAms quite unDusual. GYou see her cConfidence is tAmragic,
But her iDntuition Gmagic and the sChape of her Ambody - unDusual.
--- G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C ---
GMeet VirCginia..Am. I can't wDait to... GMeet virCginia.. Am D
EmWell she wCants to be the qEmueen, Then she tChinks about her sEmcene.
Pulls her hCair back as she sEmcreams, I don't rCeally wanna Dbe a queen.
EmWell she wCants to live her Emlife, then she tChinks about her Emlie.
Pulls her Chair back as she sEmcreams, C D G <---go straight to chord progression I don't really wanna live this life. below from here. :)
--- G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C G, C, Em'*, Am, D, C --- See.. It's really easy this way. Have fun! :) _________________________ Tabbed By: Shilo Zaba Meet Virginia - Train Nov.21/05. 1:44 am.