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E Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ayC#m-ay, Hey-ay-AY-aAy-ay Your Elipstick stains B on the front lobe of myC#m left side brainAs I knew I wouldn't for-Eget you and so I went and Blet you blow myC#m mindA B Your Esweet moonbeam B the smell of you in every C#msingle dream I Adream I knew when we col-Elided you're the one I have de-Bcided who's one of myC#m kinAd B
AHey soul sister Bain't that mister Emister Bon the Aradio stereo The Bway you move aint Efair you Bknow AHey soul sisterB I don't want tEo miss Ba singAle thing yBou do
To-Enight Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ayC#m-ay, Hey-ay-AY-aAy-ay EJust in ti-i-i-Bime I'm so glad you have aC#m one track mind likAe me You gave my love dir-Eection a game show love con-Bnection we can't dC#meny-iA-iBii I'm Eso obsessed B my heart is bound to beat right C#moutta my untrimmed Achest I believe in Eyou like a virgin you're Ma-Bdonna and I'm always gonna C#mwanna blow your Amind B
AHey soul sister Bain't that mister Emister Bon the Aradio stereo The Bway you move aint Efair you Bknow AHey soul sisterB I don't want tEo miss Ba singAle thing youB do
To-Enight The way you can't cut a rug BWatching you's the only drug I C#mneed
You're so gangster I'm so thug
You're the Aonly one I'm dreaming of you Esee I can be myself now final-Bly In fact there's nothing I can't C#mbe I want the world to see you Abe with B me
AHey soul sister Bain't that mister Emister Bon the Aradio stereo The Bway you move aint Efair you Bknow AHey soul sister BI don't want to Emiss a Bsingle Athing you do to-BnigEht B AHey soul sister BI don't want to Emiss a Bsingle Athing you do-ooBoo
To-Enight Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-C#may, Hey-ay-AY-ayA-ayB To-Enight Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-C#may, Hey-ay-AY-ayA-ayB Ton-Eight