Train - Brick by brick
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My first tab in a long while. Any feedback appreciated.
Brick by Brick - Train
TChe dust has Ffinally settled Gdown
The sun Cis shinFing on theGse pieces that are scattered all around
CThis house was Feverything we Gknew
Its where we kept our Clove and Fevery single Gmemory of me and you
AmEvery letter every notFe,
Every dreAmss you ever woreG under your Fcoat thrown away
CBrick by Brick we can Gbuild it from the floor
If we Amhold on to each Gother we'll be Fbetter than before
And bricCk by brick we'll get Gback to yesterday
When I Ammade your body Gshiver and when Fyou took my AmbreatGh awFay
You tookAm my bGreatFh away
CThe sky has Fmade it back to Gblue
Everything that’Cs left iFs telling us thGe worst of it is through
CHome has Fnever felt so Gright, theres nothing in the Cway
There’s nothFing in between us, Gknowing where we’re going is inside
AmEvery letter every Fnote,
Every dress you Amever wore under your Gcoat thrown Faway
CBrick by Brick we can Gbuild it from the floor
If we Amhold on to each Gother we’ll bFe better than before
And bricCk by brick we’ll geGt back to yesterday
When I Ammade your body sGhiver and when Fyou took my AmbreatGh awFay
You tookAm my bGreatFh away
All the Ampictures thGat weF’ve taken and the songs that we have played
They haAmve all keptG track and followeFd back the love that we have made
Now they’veAm spreaGd out onF the surface where we can try to congregate
It’s not too lGate to believe that weF can get it all again
CBrick by Brick we can Gbuild it from the floor
If we holdAm on to each Gother we’ll bFe better than before
And bricCk by brick well get Gback to yesterday
When I Ammade your body Gshiver and when Fyou took my breath away C G
you took my breath awayAm F
And bricCk by brick we’ll geGt back to yesterday
When I Ammade your body Gshiver and when Fyou took my AmbreatGh awFay
You tookAm my bGreatFh away
Finish on D