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Capo: 1 Tuning: E A D G B E
Stranger in Town - Toto Album: Isolation (1984) Capo on 1st fret. All chords relative to capo [Intro] G#m [Verse 1]
A I remember it was lB/Aate one nC#m/Aight In the mAiddle B/Aof a C#m/Adream A Woke up in a B/Apool of sC#m/Aweat AThought I hBeard a sC#mcream A Ran over to the wB/Aindow C#m/Asill Stuck my hAead out B/Afor a C#m/Apeek Dressed in blAack was a man I dB/Aidn't recogC#m/Anize RAunning dBown C#mmy back strDeet My heart skipped a bC#meat
You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger iBn town You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger iBn town You bEetter watch oAut WC#mhen he comes arDound Don't make a sC#mound
[Interlude] G#m [Verse 2]
Got the mAorning paper and the hB/Aeadlines C#m/Aread: DAanger B/Ato the qC#m/Aueen BAuckingham Palace better tB/Aighten things C#m/Aup The sAon of a bBitch is mC#mean VAendors on the corner just dB/Aoin' their C#m/Ajob AActing like nB/Aothing's C#m/Anew ScAotland Yard's still lB/Aooking for C#m/Ahim But he dAoesn't lBeave a sC#mingle clDue What can they C#mdo?
(Hey!) You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger iBn town You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger iBn town You bEetter watch oAut WC#mhen he comes arDound Don't make a sC#mound
[Instrumental] G#m [Verse 3]
WAho's this man who fell B/Aout of the C#m/Asky? What's he dAone and wB/Ahere's he lC#m/Aive? HAow can a man who's a crB/AiminC#m/Aal Be a hAero tBo the kC#mids? The Aold couple swear that the RB/Aipper's C#m/Aback They sAay it's B/Ahim all C#m/Aright The yAoung girl says it's B/AJe -C#m/A sus And he wAon't be bBack agC#main tonDight I wonder who's rC#might
You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger in tBown (You better watch out) You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger in tBown You bEetter watch oAut WhC#men he comes arDound C#m (Ohh!!)
You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger in tBown (You better watch out!) You bEetter watch oAut ThC#mere's a stranger in tBown (You better watch out!) You bEetter watch oAut WC#mhen he comes arDound Don't make a sC#mound
[Outro] G#m