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Simple Chords and an easy progression, but getting the momentum and the timings of the lyrics might take a few listens Enjoy flatwound TILL THE MONEY RUNS OUT
Check thisE7 strange beverage that fE7alls out from the sky Splashin' BaE7gdad on the hudson in paE7nther martin's eyes He's hA7igh and outside wearin' cA7andy apple red ScE7arlet gave him twenty seven stiE7tches in his head With a pB7int of green chartreuse ain't noA7thin' seems right E7 (TACET) You buy the sunday paper on a saturday night
Well cE7an't you hear the thunder, SoE7meone stole my watch I sE7old a quart of blood and bought a hE7alf a pint of scotch SA7ome one tell those chinamen on telA7egraph canyon road WE7hen you're on the bill with the spoon there aE7in't no time to unload B7 A7 E7 (TACET) So bye bye baby, Baby bye bye
DE7roopy stranger lonely dreamer E7toy puppy and the prado We're laE7ughin' as they piled into OlE7mos' El Dorado JeA7sus whispered eeany meany mA7eany miney moe, They're tE7oo proud to duck their heads E7 B7 A7 E7(TACET) That's why they bring it down so low, So bye bye baby, Baby bye bye
The poE7inted man is smack dab in the mE7iddle of july SwiE7ngin' from the rafters in his brE7and new tie He sA7aid I can't go back to that hotel room, AA7ll they do is shout But I'll sE7tay wichew baby till the moE7ney runs out B7 A7 E7 (TACET) So bye bye baby Baby bye bye