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Well she's Dmup against the register with Bbman apron and a spatula, With yFesterday's deliveries and the tBdimickets for the bachelors She's a movGm7ing violation from her cA7sus4onk down to her shA7oes, But it's jDmust an invitGmation A7to the bDmlues
And you fGmeel just like Cagney, she loC7oks like Rita Hayworth At the coFunter of the Schwab's drugstore You wonder Gmif she might be single, she's a lonC7er and likes to mingle FGot to be patient, try and piAck up A7a cluDme A7
She said "HDmow you gonna like 'em, over mBbmedium or scrambled?", You say "AFnyway's the only way", be cGareful not to gamble On a gGm7uy with a suitcase and a A7sus4ticket getting A7out of here In a tDmired bus station in an oBbmld pair of shoes
This ain't noA7sus4thing but an invitA7ation to the blDmues But you can't tGmake your eyes off her, get anC7other cup of java, And it's jusFt the way she pours it for you, joking with the customers Mercy Gmmercy, Mr. Percy, there ain't noC7thing back in Jersey But a broFkendown jalopy of a mAan I left behA7ind
And a dDmream that I was chasing, a bBbmattle with booze And an A7sus4open invitA7ation to the bDmlues
But she used to hGmave a sugar daddy and a cC7andy-apple Caddy, And a bFank account and everything, accuFstomed to the finer things He probably Gmleft her for a socialite, and he diC7dn't love her 'cept at night, And thFen he's drunk and never even toAld her that he cared So they Dmtook the registration, And theBbm car-keys and her shoes And leA7sus4ft her with an invitatA7ion to the bluesDm (...solo sax)
'Cause there's a CGmontinental Trailways leaving lC7ocal bus tonight, good evening YFou can have my seat, I'm sticking rFound here for a while Get me a rGmoom at the Squire, the fC7illing station's hiring, And FI can eat here every night, what the hAell have I got to lose? Got a cDmrazy sensation, Go or Bbmstay? Now I gotta choose, And I'llA7sus4 accept your invitaA7tion to the bDmlues