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Tuning: E A D G B E
[Intro] C F G7sus4 G7 x2 [Verse 1]
Well, I Chope that I don't Ffall in love with G7sus4you G7 ‘Cause Cfalling in lFove just makes me G7sus4blue G7 Well, the Fmusic plays and Cyou display your Gheart for me to Csee I Fhad a beer and Cnow I hear you Fcalling out for G7sus4me G7 And I Chope that I don't Ffall in Glove with Cyou
[Verse 2]
Well, the Croom is crowded, Fpeople everyG7sus4where G7 And I Cwonder, should I Foffer you a G7sus4chair? G7 Well, if Fyou sit down with this Cold clown, Gtake that frown and Cbreak it BeFfore the evening's Cgone away, I Fthink that we can G7sus4make it G7 And I Chope that I don't Ffall in Glove with Cyou
[Verse 3]
Well, the Cnight does funny Fthings inside a G7sus4man G7 These old Ctomcat feelings Fyou don't underG7sus4stand G7 Well, I Fturn around to look at Cyou, you Glight a cigaCrette I Fwish I had the Cguts to bum one, Fbut we've never G7sus4met G7 And I Chope that I don't Ffall in Glove with Cyou
[Verse 4]
I can Csee that you are Flonesome just like G7sus4me G7 And it Cbeing late, you'd Flike some compaG7sus4ny G7 Well, I Fturn around to look at Cyou, and Gyou look back at Cme The Fguy you're with, he's Cup and split, the Fchair next to you is G7sus4free G7 And I Chope that you don't Ffall in Glove with Cme
[Verse 5]
Now it's Cclosing time, the Fmusic's fading G7sus4out G7 Last Ccall for drinks, I'll Fhave another G7sus4stout G7 Well, I Fturn around to look at Cyou, G you're nowhere to be Cfound I Fsearch the place for your Clost face, guess I'll Fhave another G7sus4round G7 And I Cthink that I just Ffell in Glove with Cyou