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Nice tune. This is my first tab, so hopefully it's bang on. Tom Petty - "Night Driver" off of Highway Companion Standard Tuning, No Capo Intro: Em, A (repeat x 4)
There's a Emshadow on the Amoon tonight I Emswear I see your Aface Emup there with the saAtellites Looking Emdown from outerspaceA EmMe, I'm drifting Ahome again EmHeadlights in my Aeyes EmFighting sleep with Awindows down Worn Emout from long goodAbyes.
GNight driver Ddrifting home again A(repeat x 2) You Emoffered up no Ahistory when Emyou blew into Atown EmYou remain a Amystery, no Eminformation Afound EmI speed dial the Ajudgment call The Emnear miss hits the Aground The Emnew king hides beAhind the throne reEmfusing to be Acrowned.
GNight driver Ddrifting home again A(repeat x 2) Solo: Em, A (repeat x 4)
EmHigh tide rumbles, Apch My Emtires losing Atread EmHelicopter Acircling, Emwiping overAhead EmNow I sit and Acount the days and Emtry to fill my Atime There's a Emshadow on the Amoon tonight Em The dollar gets a Adime.
GNight driver Ddrifting home again A(repeat x 2) Home DAgain
Ending: Em, A (repeat x 8)