Tom Petty - Free fallin
chordsver. 11
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Capo: 3
Tuning: E A D G B E
Free Fallin' chords
Tom Petty 1989 (Full Moon Fever album)
Capo III (or Rickenbacker 12 string)
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A x2
She’s a Dgood Dsus4girl, Dsus4loves Dher Amama
loves DJe-Dsus4sus and Dsus4AmericDa Atoo
she’s a Dgood Dsus4girl, Dsus4crazy ‘Dbout AElvis
loves DhorsDsus4-es and her Dsus4boy Dfriend Atoo
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A
It’s a Dlong Dsus4day Dsus4livin’ Din ReAseda
there’s a Dfree-Dsus4way Dsus4runnin’ Dthrough the Ayard
and I’m a Dbad Dsus4boy, cause I Dsus4don’t Deven Amiss her
I’m a Dbad Dsus4boy for Dsus4breakin’ Dher Aheart
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A *
Now I’m free free fall-in’
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A *
Yeh I’m free free fall-in’
All the DvamDsus4pires Dsus4walkin’ Dthrough the Avalley
move Dwest Dsus4down Dsus4Ventura DBouleAvard
all the Dbad Dsus4boys are Dsus4standing Din the Ashadows
and the Dgood Dsus4girls are Dsus4home with Dbroken Ahearts
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A *
Now I’m free free fall-in’
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A *
Yeh I’m free free fall-in’
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A
e|--------------| from capo
DFree Dsus4falling now I’m Dfree Afalling
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A
e|--------------| from capo
DFree Dsus4falling now I’m Dfree Afalling
I wanna Dglide Dsus4down Dsus4over MulDholAland
I wanna Dwrite Dsus4her Dsus4name Din the Asky
gonna Dfree Dsus4fall Dsus4out Dinto Anothin’
gonna Dleave Dsus4this Dsus4world Dfor a Awhile
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A *
Now I’m free free fall-in’
D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A D Dsus4 Dsus4\D\A *
Yeh I’m free free fall-in’ 4x
* rapid mandolin style strumming