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Tom Petty - Ankle Deep - Highway Companion #11 Intro C C7 C (x4)
CWell, they raised that Ghorse to be a Cjumper He was Fowned by a mid-west bible thCumper His Fpreacher was a Louisiana Amdrummer Took all Gwinter to get through the Csummer
CThe fieldhand Ghit the switch and Cstumbled OutsiFde the big engine roared and Crumbled The Fstolen horse spooked and Amtumbled She didn't spGeak for a week, Just kinda Cmumbled
Intro again
Amankle deep in Emlove, Amankle deep in Glove solo C G C F C G C
Intro again
Amankle deep in Emlove, Amankle deep in Glove He was Ccaught up in a Glie he half Cbelieved Found her Fhiding high in the family Ctree Washed his Fhands and put her cross his Amknee She said Gdaddy "you been a mother tCo me"
Intro again
Amankle deep in Emlove, Amankle deep in Glove (x2) Intro to end
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