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Capo: 2
Admiral William Brown The Wolfetones. Capo on 2
From a cGounty Mayo town came a mCan of great renGown As a saiDlor and a soldier was none boGlder He went to America at an eCarly age they sGay As a cabDin boy to sail the wide world oGver Then adDventure took him south to the CDel La Plata moGuth San CMartin was on the route in ArDgentina So three whaGling ships he bough and BrCazil and Spain he foGught And freDedom then he soD7ught for ArgeGntina [2]
[3] He had heard of Irish hands in the noble gallant bands That helped to free the called Argentina He had heard with great acclaim the Patrickos name and fame When in 1806 the British came for slaughter And to this very day in the Argentine they say The English ran away from Buenos Aries To the Islands further down and they took them for the crown ''Las Islas Malvinas,Argentina'' Now Admiral William Brown you're a man of courage shown And in battles won the odds were all against you But your Irish heart was strong and in memory still lives on And in Ireland there are some that don't forget you On St.Patrick's day it's told you had many victories bold You defeated all invaders thugs and bullies Then through the Pampas rose and you found a happy home 'Las Islas Malvinas Argentina. [4] We remember William Brown and his land of great renown the invader of the islands from your country When in 1833 were by pirates forced to flee And in Ireland sure we know the story fully And the people that went too,to the Argentine when new To escape the English laws and wars and famine They had proved a loyal crew just like all the Irish do ''Las Islas Malvinas Argintinas'' [5] The old colonial days and the cruel English ways With her thunder plunder we will teach the natives For the Brits are going to war just like Whitelock did before With her ships and guns and drums and flags and banners In the empire days of old when they murdered for the gold And paraded it around the streets of London Oh no human rights were given to the natives dead or living ''Las Islas Malivinas Argentina [6] In the Argentine he died Father Fahey by his side '57 was the year his country mourned him A hero of the nation he's remembered with elation Throughout the world where freedom still abounds And the southern cross take note where bold Willie Bulfin wrote The Irish still support you Argentina With the empire tumbling down let no Paddies back the crown ''Las Islas Malvinas Argentina