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EVIL TOWN Written by Craig Nicholls Tabbed By Kaitlin :-) Chords Used: E F# G e----- ----- ----- B----- ----- ----- G----- ----- ----- D-2--- -4--- -5--- A-2--- -4--- -5--- E-0--- -2--- -3--- Play the whole song distorted Intro: F# E F# E F# E Verse:
F#Evil Eis what you F#are as well Eas being sharpF# I fellE right to it Gaah aah aah ah
F#She seElls and I don't liF#ke it feels ELike Shonen knF#ife that kills E But they don't Gmind in an evil town
- Repeat Intro - F#~~~E~~~ F#~~~ E~~~ F#~~~ E~~~ Evil is what you are as well as being sharp I ***en feel to it G F#~~E~~ I'm in an evil town Kick-arse song from the Vine's Winning Days album. There's a bit of a riff in the intro, but I haven't figured it out yet. I might add it l8r, but if u want u can correct it and put it in then. Anywayz, any questions/comments/random *** to one_d a m - no gaps in address. Enjoy! I